The wild times we find ourselves in spur more questions than answers.
What the heck is gonna happen?
Where is all of this headed?
What’s my role in it all?
As much as we try to avoid the doom scroll, it’s can be so hard sometimes. The collective trauma takes over and we can’t help but feel overwhelmed and experience the despair settling in.
As sensitives and empaths, it can be really challenging to keep your vision connected to what comes next because…
What does come next?
For us. For our dreams. For our communities. For our businesses. For our families. For the world.
The questions swirl like…
We’ve learned *SO* much on our personal healing journeys over the last 5+ years, and yet, how do we apply all that we’ve learned to our current world context?
Were all of these spiritual, emotional, mindset, and self-care tools given to us just for us to use? Or is there a call to more?
Beyond our self-care, how do we build a community as an adult in a digital and divided world?
Will we settle for disconnection and loneliness because “it’s just the way it is nowadays”?
How do we continue to make time for us, let alone our loved ones and community, when we already feel disconnected, overwhelmed, underpaid, and pushed beyond our emotional limits?
How do we know we’re on the right path when everything seems to be shifting at a tectonic level?
We might even be able to see that big vision for what’s next but how in the world do we get there? What are the steps?
How about taking a moment to take a nice, deep breath together.
Inhale deep into your belly…
Exhale as you feel your feet or body making contact with the surface below you.
Let’s do that one more time.
Inhale fresh new energy…
Exhale anything that’s ready to go.
Give your hands a clap or two…yes, seriously…to refresh the energy.
Here’s what I know: It’s okay to acknowledge, and even embrace, the big feelings and the uncertainty of it all.
We can figure out what comes next…
But we can do it together.
The days of the lone wolf are over.
Because I’ll be honest with you…
You know what really pisses me off?
This loop I’m in of cycling in and out of outrage that I let stop there.
I’m sick of silencing myself when I see absolute mockery of “leadership” that’s happening in my city, state, country, and the world because I doubt myself and let it stop there.
I get these inspired ideas that I let just live in my journal, computer, or head…and I just let stop there.
I’m done swallowing it.
I’m done prioritizing being “nice” that ends up hushing me.
I’m so over watching things fall apart and not doing more about it.
I want to make change to better peoples lives. I know you do, too.
I want to leverage my rage, my love, my inspiration, and my creativity to channel it in directions that matter to me and my community.
And the most important thing is…
I don’t want to do it alone.
I wonder if you relate.
I know that aligned community makes us brave.
I know that aligned community that has range - from the mystic witchy shit to the taking steps in activism - helps move the needle in our live because we get over the fear…together.
What if we had a space to bring the question of “what do we do now?” and actually figure it out together.
What if we had a space to go to be calmed, nourished, witnessed, bolstered, empowered and flipped ON to our purpose in life.
I didn’t want to wonder anymore.
Welcome to the Ease Lovers Collective
A virtual community of emerging leaders (that’s us) to connect, grow, and learn practical tools for transformative times who dare to prioritize ease in the most simple and profound ways.
We’re a bunch of intuitive, witchy, empowered folks who are sick of sitting back and watching the world fall apart without creating a new pathway forward.
We are artists, forward thinking leaders, activists, entrepreneurs, and deeply sensitive people willing to get uncomfortable in the name of quality connection, creating change, and putting our voices and ideas in the ring, even in the most unconventional, unexpected ways.
This collective is a space to get relief from life’s pressures and receive perspective, love, nurturing, and tools to build confidence as the natural born leader you are and to trust the guidance from within.
It’s a space to feel seen, heard, witnessed, encouraged, and hopeful again.
You’ll cross paths and connect with new, aligned folks.
You’ll learn practical tools for turbulent and expansive times rich in possibilities and opportunities.
You’ll settle in to an empowering environment that has built-in permission to prioritize ease in your life amidst a world built for the opposite.
It’s a place for open discussion and sharing about human-ing in these intense times that can send a positive ripple effect to the rest of your life.
It’s a place to discover, rediscover, reimagine what community care looks like for our lives and journeys uniquely.
It’s a safe haven to come and just be in sweet, potent, loving, exploratory, real, innovative energy right from your favorite nook at home.
You can continue learning how to live in your authentic nature exactly as you were designed to be through tools like Astrology, Human Design, and protective energy tools.
It’s an online home to cultivate balance and harmony amongst your self-care, spirit care, human care, and community care.
This space is a practice ground to experiment with leveraging the collective, seasonal, and astrological energies to unlock more ease for you in your everyday life.
You’ll gain tools that help remind us of who we really are in our nature, not who capitalism and colonial priorities want us to be. It’s about caring for ourselves so that we can care for our community as well, which includes Mama Earth who has been so damn patient with us.
We’ll meet several times a month to commune, heal, rest, chat, learn, and leverage tools for transformation.
These powerful tools for transformation center around de-conditioning ourselves from who we were TAUGHT to be in order to return to our AUTHENTIC NATURE like:
Human Design bodygraph chart & gate transits
Astrology natal chart & major transits
Working with nature’s rhythms & cycles
We’ll also:
Experience facilitated and curated community conversation, support, & collaborative learning
Lean on energetic tools for Grounding, Meditation, Protection, & Healing
Anchor into ancient and modern tools for empowerment like accessing own inner guidance system through intention setting, simple rituals, mindfulness practices, and community ceremony
Step into new paradigm (heart-centered) leadership to use your power (power with, not power over) to create sustainable change, empowerment, and healing in your life, community, and beyond
Learn tools for conflict resolution, healthy boundaries, intentionally gathering, active antiracism practices, learn about the power of community organizing, and more
All of this to bring you into alignment with the parts of you that lie below the surface. These are the parts calling you to the causes, creations, and ideas that matter most to you.
For every time you’ve wondered if you’re on the right path or been hard on yourself that you never saw that project, book, creation, poem, documentary, painting, or inspiration through…now you get to make room for that.
A personal Note:
I once heard that if you look at the times in your life where you felt the most accomplished, celebrated, or created the most, it was most likely when you had the most community around you.
I was humbled to realize that very much applied to me, too. I wonder if it does for you as well?
After so much isolation, internal focus, and survival mode these last 4+ years, it may just be time to make some headway towards the things that light our spirits up.
It’s time to pick our heads up and look around to look for the signs that things are fundamentally shifting for more people, towards more action-taking, more creativity, and more personal and collective power and awareness.
What we used to be able to tolerate is now intolerable. That’s a good thing.
I know I’m ready to turn those restless, sleepless nights in for deep rest knowing I took a courageous step or two (or ten) that day because I’ve been reminded of the power of HOPE and the LOVE of community.
Jane Fonda, actress and long-time activist, once said, “I think what's happening in the world - there's nothing more dangerous than a wounded beast, and the patriarchy is wounded.” That was back in 2013, almost ten years ago. I dare say the patriarchy is in its final, dying grabs for power. The signs are everywhere.
But do you realize exactly what that actually means?
It means our collective consciousness has surpassed an existence that is willing (or even can ) sustain such an oppressive and imbalanced system.
In other words, our light is shining so bright, our awareness is so vast, and our truths are so clear that it’s actively (and messily) eclipsing the systems that stood unchecked for centuries and centuries.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.
If it’s gonna get messier before it gets better, I’d rather figure it out with you and the rest of this beautiful community that is the Ease Lovers Collective.
The absolute best way to overcome overwhelm and despair is to gift yourself consistent access to aligned communities of people making efforts to really change things in a heart-centered, grounded, love-rooted way.
My hope and intention is that this space can become an inspired and grounding touch point as we live in a deconstructing and newly emerging, innovative world.
A new future is arriving.
Do you realize that you are that future?
I hope you do and in case you don’t, this beautiful collective is here to hold you, encourage you, and draw that out of you.
Join me. Join us.
It’s time to be brave…together.
WHAT’S INCLUDED IN the ease lovers collective:
Monthly themes that we get to explore as a community on our calls and discussions
Live 90-min Monthly Ease Lovers Community Call
Live 75-min Monthly Easy Learning Call w/ Krystal and/or Special Guest Teachers
Impromptu Community Art & Creation Hangouts
Bonus LIVES throughout the month
Access to our exclusive community of fellow change-makers and ease lovers
Access to a Dedicated, Private online community space (coming soon)
First access and special community rates for Ease Mentoring, AstroHD Readings, workshops, and live events
Continued access to group calls archive
And more to come…
Our first community call will be Saturday, May 20th at 1pm-2:30pm ET on Zoom!
This is a recurring, monthly charge that can be cancelled at any time.
Be sure to open the follow-up emails after checkout for further logistical info.
If have any questions or if cost is prohibiting your access to joining this supportive and nurturing community, please reach out: Krystal @ krystalalexandria . com