The sliding scale structure is a consciously chosen approach to support economic justice, access, and community care, while also making it possible to invest intentionally in your own care no matter where you are on your personal journey.
There have been several pivotal monents on my journey of many ups and downs where compassionate entry points to high-quality, heart-centered support would’ve absolutely changed so much for me. There have also been beautiful seasons of overflow where gifting or contributing to energetic, mental, emotional, or physical support to loved ones has been easy to do and lifted both our spirits.
Not only does the sliding scale open up more access points to Ease Mentoring overall, but it also fosters a feeling of community when we remember that we’re not the only ones seeking out this kind of work in the world.
There are three price points for the sliding scale offerings:
Supported by Community: As a part of a sliding scale model, the “Supported by Community” option allows community members to enjoy access to the full value of a class, service, or product which is offset by contributions from community members who are in a more financially privileged position, season, or place of overflow.
Full Value Pricing: As a part of the sliding scale model, the “Full Value Pricing” option reflects the true cost of the class, service, or product. It is the cost that would charged in the absence of a sliding scale.
Supporting Community: As a part of a sliding scale model, the “Supporting Community” option allows community members with economic power and privilege to enjoy and be supported by the full value of a class, service, or product. Additionally, this option makes it available to contribute an additional portion of the full value to other community members in a different financial position, season, or transition.
The gratitude runs so deep to those who have come before me in implementing this (or similar) model(s) in their businesses and leadership. There are many of which I don’t know the names of just yet.
I do, however, know the name of Gwendolyn Ren, Gatherer, Poet, and Creator of Sacred Spaces, whom I would like to personally thank. I hired her to support me in carrying out this implementation in the most aligned way possible. While I expect it to evolve with us, it was important to me that it began with intentionality, thoughtfulness, and integrity to the work and my community.
I would also like to thank Alexis Cunningfolk, intersectional Herbalist, Witch, and Weaver of Remedies, for their wonderfully helpful blog articles on this model, its pitfalls, the ways it shines, and more. The articles are candid, practical, and heart-centered.
There will continue to be deeper and deeper learnings and unlearning in this arena of economic justice and I look forward to them. I hope that this model will help create ease and equity in the hands and hearts of those who feel called to this work.