You know that luscious feeling? It’s as if you and your journal are one. The energy is flowing, the ideas are pouring through, something else is moving your pen and you’re so IN your body that nothing can disturb that delicious moment of you and the Divine communing together.
*B L I S S*
As my heart started to mend itself just this last month or two, the words started to come back. Were they truly gone? Eh...who knows? What I do know is that when I was in the goo of a caterpillar (my old self) somehow becoming a majestic butterfly (my new self), there were no words. For me to be without words was, frankly, a scary feeling. It’s like not being able to feel God or the Universe. No matter what has gone on in my life since I was about eight years old, I’ve always been able to write my feelings through. Words have always been my medicine and vehicle for contentment and purpose.
Do you remember me teaching often about creating a life you don’t need a vacation from? Well, I honestly lost sight of that for the last year. When life’s curveballs arrive, surrendering to where you’re being redirected becomes paramount if you’re to allow ease to still be present in your life.
Let’s take that in:
When life’s curveballs arrive, SURRENDERING to where you’re being redirected becomes PARAMOUNT if you’re to allow EASE to still be present in your life.
Ease became more important to me than the RESULTS or EXTERNAL APPEARANCE of a dream life. What was going down in my world (i.e. where the universe was leading me) was the opposite of the dream life I thought I wanted, needed and was questing for. How ‘bout that for some real talk. Phew. Humbling.
Sometimes you think you know best. And then, God/Universe reminds you who’s actually in charge. #justsayin Have you been there before?
So, what does this have to do with words?
When the energy started to come back on the business/leadership front, I *knew* in my soul of soul of soulllllls that for ANYTHING I do in my business, leadership and art, it HAD to come from a place of 100% divine guidance, divine timing and it had to be a total pleasure for me to do/create. Otherwise, what happens? I resist it, avoid it and make it this weird, funky burden and interruption to my flow. I’m realizing more and more (and more!) that when I resist something in that way, more times than not, I’m forcing myself to do something *I* think is the right thing rather than waiting for the true guidance to come through me. >>insert eyeroll emoji here<<
Even though I was chomping at the bit to get going on the biz and writing front, the Divine wasn’t giving me the “GO” for...ANYTHING. Ugh! It was so frustrating! I remember talking it out to my sister and close friend saying,
“I’m READY!! Gawwwddddddd. How much longer is this gonna takkkkke?!”
And it was super confronting, too. All my conditioned thoughts reared their heads again. “You’re just being lazy.” “You’re never gonna make money again.” “Are they forgetting about me?” “You just disappeared and now you’re hiding.” Lies, lies, liiiiieeeeessssssss.
But it always does, the energy shifted. The inspiration came. The time came. The guidance came.
For what, you ask? For the…
Easy Mondays Love Letters.
These weekly digital love letters are meant to be own special version of feeling one with the Divine, just like those luscious journal moments. One with you. One with your truth. One with each other on this soul-aligned path. It is a heartfelt invitation into more ease each Monday.
And who doesn’t LOVE to receive a love letter?! Makes me tear up!
We’ll talk ease…
we’ll talk truth via Word Art…
we’ll talk beauty…
we’ll talk self-care and ease tips.
And it feels so aligned for me to create, too! I’ve been feeling more private and intentional these days. I want to know that I’m speaking with people who are actually listening and WANTING to hear from me, not just scrolling by unconsciously. It’s the “Projector” in me that wants a clear invitation so I can fully share my gifts openly and know that said gifts are actually helping you.
When you opt-in for the love letters, that’s an invitation. You’re literally inviting me into your mailbox each Monday and that’s just so precious and sacred to me. If you’ve loved what I’ve shared on social media these past few years, you’ll likely be surprised at how the level of intimacy will increase because now I know it’s just you and me hanging out on a Monday morning.
Soooo that, my friend! If you want in on this sacred, connective, easy gift each Monday, I put the sign-up link right here for you: <3
It’s super easy (#naturally). Just enter your name and email, confirm your email and you’re in. (If you don’t see the email right away, be sure to check your spam, trash or “promotions” folder and move to inbox.)
In such rocky times externally, to declare to the Universe that you’re only available for EASY MONDAYS, love and sacredness to start your week, do you even get how powerful that is? Do you understand how that sets you apart from the chaos, instability and fear that envelops us each day?
You get to CHOOSE to start your week with intention, connection to your soul and love. This literally is the embodiment of the COURAGE it takes to quest for EASE as a modern day human. It looks like this. So simple, yet profound. #courageofease
There’s nothing more counterculture than to ground yourself, love yourself and see yourself as a sacred extension of God, the Universe and nature. Not just once, but every...single...week.
If that doesn’t get your inner rebel all revved up, I don’t know what does!! I know mine is ready for September 2nd to get here already! Ha! Mark your calendars for Love Letter #1 to arrive. She’s-a-comin-your-way!
Sign up here:
JOURNAL MAGIC: Take some time to reflect on these:
When was the last time you felt one with the Divine? What were you doing? How did you feel? Do you feel available for that to happen again?
Where in your life do you get impatient with God/Universe/Divine?
Have you ever written yourself a love letter? Wanna do it again? :)
How do you engage your inner “Sacred Rebel?” (Phrase coined by Alana Fairchild) The one who, with the help of your soul, is here to shake shit up through divine inspiration and action. How could you invite her/him/them into your everyday life more?
IMPORTANT: Each of these written devotional pieces have their own magic embedded in them. They’re meant to be “Ease Activations” amidst your everyday life. They’re designed and intended for you to find the magic in the mundane so you can remember that there is NOTHING mundane or ordinary about you. Letting it be easy never looked so dang magical and gorgeous. I love you!