I've been noticing over the past week being reminded of so many things that were happening back in 2009.
Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster album debuted
I got laid off from my fancy consulting job
Barack Obama was sworn in as president
I ran my first half marathon
The highest grossing film of all time, Avatar, was released
I was running my body down with nonstop go-go-go
I asked the question to myself, “Why am I so reminiscent of 2009 this week?” It felt so weird and specific. And then I realized it, “Ohhhhhhh, we’re about to close out the decade!”
In just 30 days, we will enter into a new energetic container that is the decade of 2020-2029. When we make transitions like this, it's easy to think, "Eh, its just made up numbers. Does it really matter?"
Well...that part is up to you.
As an Energy Intuitive, Psychic and etheric-dot-connector, I very much feel the shifts in energies between moments, days, weeks, months and most definitely years.
I bet if you pause for a sec and just feel in your body what it feels like when you think of the year 2000...then 2008...then 2014...then 2019...they feel different, don't they? Each year has its own energetic composition and intention. Now, imagine a new DECADE. Cool, huh?
We have a very VALUABLE opportunity on our hands (bigger value than any cyber Monday sale could dish you!). We have an opportunity to consciously close out open energy loops that need to be closed out before we head into 2020.
The best part is, the tools that I’m about to share with you apply to ANY timeframe, transition or shift in your life from changing jobs to moving homes to closing out relationships to starting brand new businesses and everything in between. Read closely and take some time to close out old energy loops before we head into a fresh new energy because...
The energy in which something begins is the energy in which it is maintained.
What a beautiful opportunity to kick off this upcoming decade with intention, presence and self-love in the form of letting go of what's ready to go.
Let’s do that, shall we? Firstly...
An open energy loop is something that began but didn’t properly finish. Think of it as an invisible force or energy that’s taking up space in your life simply by it not being completed or finished.
It could be a bigger energy loop (like truly healing inner child trauma that got activated in your relationships this year or having a hard conversation with a friend who unknowingly or knowingly hurt you) or a smaller energy loop (like seeing your intention through to move your body 3x a week or cleaning out your car).
Maybe you still have that thing on your heart to say to your friend that you keep avoiding saying...
Maybe you have a desire to ask your partner to explore with you...
Maybe you’ve been meaning to do a weekly or monthly money date to focus on your money but you haven’t done it...
Maybe you’ve been secretly craving a trip to Paris but haven’t made any moves towards planning it...
Maybe you committed to yourself to feel more EASE in 2019 but haven’t put real effort towards it...
Maybe it’s time to end that relationship but you hold stress in your belly instead every day...
Open energy loops are the invisible embodiment of the ellipses → …
They are the real life “dot, dot, dot.”
But while open energy loops are unseen, they are not un-felt. We feel them every day.
They nag at us. They bother us. They stress us out. They anger us but maybe it comes out sideways while driving on the highway instead of acknowledging where you’re letting your energy leak instead of doing the thing you need to do, say the thing you need to say, be the version of you you know you need to become.
Open energy loops, at best, are annoying AF.
We often don’t even realize it though! We become more irritable, frustrated, tired, confused, foggy, avoidant, crazed, anxious, lethargic, ungrounded and/or frantic, among other energetic and emotional symptoms.
What if that pit in your stomach was actually related to that conversation you need to have?
What if that headache that pops in conveniently within the hour of thinking about getting your taxes done?
What if that craving to eat carbs is connected to that trauma that you won’t sit with and feel it through?
Most importantly, though, I want you to be with this question:
How much energy would you get back if you just did the thing you need to do? Say what you need to say? Be who you needed to be?
Who would you walk into 2020 as then?
Makes you wonder, eh?
As we begin to part ways with 2019, a year that has fortified so many of us and brought us back to our power, our authenticity and our inner and outer freedom and expression, I invite you to examine:
What open energy loops exist in my life?
Step 1: Take inventory by writing down a list. Don’t overthink it. Just write them down. This is a HUGE first step because when its on paper, it’s no longer floating around inside you with no direction. Grounding it on paper is ultimately empowering. You’re taking your power back and that’s what counts the most.
Step 2: Once it’s down on paper, determine which one is taking up the most emotional, energetic, physical and/or spiritual space in your life (and not in a good way)? Name it. Claim it. See it. Be with it.
Step 3: If you’re anything like me, I can be an efficiency nerd. Meaning, I’m willing to take on the biggest, scariest monster on that piece of paper first in the name of creating ease downstream for myself. It’s likely the high-achiever in me driving me to this, but hey, what a great opportunity to leverage that skill. Here’s what I know about energy and healing, when you move the biggest energy hog first, a lot of the other ones disappear with it. It’s not uncommon that several of them have the same root. Maybe it’s not being able to speak up for yourself. Maybe it’s not being able to hold boundaries in place. Maybe it’s feeding an urge to stay hidden. Maybe it’s low self-esteem or self-worth. Whatever your big, scary monster is on your inventory list, I encourage you in the name of creating ease for yourself in this new decade to...go for it.
Step 4: Do the thing. Speak the truth. Have the conversation. Whatever it is, move that energy, love. Better out than in.
Step 5: Watch/Feel/Sense your energy reorganize inside of you. If you think of a hose that’s had a kink in it for awhile, it doesn’t stop the water from building up pressure behind the kink. When the kink is removed, there’s a rush of energy movement again where there wasn’t before. When you move the energy and close out an open energy loop, you’ll likely feel either a reclamation of lost energy (translation: You’ll feel more energized!) and/or you’ll likely feel a rush/flow of energy that you haven’t felt in awhile. This may require some extra rest in order to give your body a chance to acclimate and stabilize the new energy composition in your body. This is entirely normal and rest is FULLY encouraged. It’s the easiest time that your body can do the repair and detoxing work necessary to move any old, remnant energy out of your body. Set the intention before you rest: “I give permission for any old, stuck energy that no longer serves me to be released with absolute ease from my body while I rest/nap/sleep. Thank you, body.”
Step 6: Return back to your open energy loops inventory list and cross that baby off! And any others that apply. And...CELEBRATE!
Step 7: When the timing feels right, go ahead and close out any other loops that you can. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Time is made up so as long as you see the closures through, that’s what counts most. Your intention alone to take your energy back from these leaky energy holes in your energy field is the biggest thing here. This message is for your inner perfectionist - say it with me: “No matter what my inner perfectionist says, I can’t f*** it up.” :)
Now that you’ve created so much more room inside of you - CONGRATULATIONS! - now, it’s time to fill the space with exactly what you want. Light a candle. Ground yourself thoroughly. And drop into your truth…
What do you want to feel in 2020?
What do you want to feel in the new decade?
Who do you want to become?
What do you want to embody?
What intentions do you feel called to speak into existence?
What a brand new clean slate of a decade, what do I want to create? Who do I want to be?
What visions/goals/projects are wanting to be created through you?
Big questions, I know.
But if you don’t intend and get clear on what you desire, you’ll just fill in the new space with the old stuff you’re familiar with struggling with.
What if 2020 could be struggle-free?
What if it could be the easiest, most magical year of your life?
What if you could manifest exactly what you want?
This is all available for you in your own unique way and it’s time to ENJOY the process of getting clear.
Remember this:
You are powerful beyond measure.
You are divinely looked after.
You are sacred and needed.
You deserve the fullest version of your desires possible.
You are endlessly energetically supplied.
You are so, so, SOOOO loved.
It’s time to close those open energy loops in order to come home to the truest you that this world needs. It’s time, my friend. It’s time.
If you were waiting for a sign that it’s time, this is it.
Get to it.
You’ve got this.
Start your week with EASE in mind
(and get first dibs on my newest blogs and word art!)
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